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Introducing New Artists - Japan Voice Talent

1. Kaori

With numerous experiences in narration, Kaori has been building up her career, with countless numbers of major companies asking her to narrate for them.

She also has experiences in MC, emceeing for companies such as Olympus, NTT, Nikon, KIRIN, Microsoft and more

Major works

• Nikon Museum Vocal Guide


• Docomo “Portable SIM”

• Benesse “Online Speaking”

• Wacom “Intuos”


2. Michiyo

Michiyo is an experienced narrator with a very mature voice. She is suitable for educational, e-learnings, and corporate types of projects.

She speaks clearly, allowing listeners to

understand the content of the text easily.

She has also been emceeing for various events in Japan, including weddings, and educational.


3. Mitsue

Mitsue has been narrating and doing voice overs for major morning television shows in Japan since 2015.

She has also done MC in the past, for various seminars and awards in Japan.

Mitsue has a very mature, calm, and soothing voice. She is suitable for corporate and broadcast media projects.


4. Yuko

Yuko has a medium tone voice suitable for both narration and voice acting.

With 8 years of experience in a Japanese voice acting agency, she has built up experience in various media, such as anime, movie voice overs, TVCMs, corporate

narrations, theatres and much more.

She is able to change the tone of her voice to match the type of media content.


If you would like to listen to their voice samples, please visit HERE.



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